
The EFEF is an annual series of completely informal small workshops throughout Europe with equal initial conditions for each speaker. EFEF provides a platform for high-level discussions on current research on finite element approximation, in the broadest sense, of partial differential equations. Participants are encouraged to present one new idea rather than review a full research project. In this spirit, the communication of recent and new results, even not yet published, is very welcome. A few, but strict, rules apply to EFEF in order to distinguish it from existing workshops and minisymposia in the field:

  • Speakers at EFEF are volunteers from the audience. Provided that they are present throughout the meeting (on site or online), all participants are invited to talk. Potential participants are strongly encouraged to attend at least one meeting before volunteering to speak.
  • Based on the number of speakers, the available time will be divided into slots for the talks. The order of the speakers will be determined through random choice, by drawing names out of a hat. Speakers cannot request a specific time to talk.
  • If you participate on site, please bring your presentation as a pdf-file on a USB-stick. This will make life/technical support much more relaxed and easier during the conference.
  • Each speaker should introduce himself or herself, the title and topic, and is expected to leave sufficient time, within the allocated time-slot, for discussion. Speakers have to prepare a talk that can be trimmed to various lengths (from seconds to 20 minutes). For a smooth meeting, the time table will be strictly enforced.
  • Since EFEF 2005, a book has been available (in the Oberwolfach tradition) to record new analytical and numerical results presented during EFEF. Results can be hand-written or typeset and glued into the book.

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